Protest groups like the "Last Generation" are planning fierce blockade actions at the IAA Mobility trade show in Munich. Now the automotive industry association is making its opponents an astonishing offer. In order to respond to its biggest critics, the organizer is offering the "Last Generation" its own stand on one of the exhibition areas in downtown Munich. The purpose of this is to get the activists to engage in a dialogue with visitors instead of getting stuck into other booths. In addition, representatives of Fridays for Future and Greenpeace, as well as the founder of the Climate Protection Initiative, Sophia Kianni, have been invited for the discussion program on stage. The association wants the fair to be a forum for discussing the mobility of the future, which is why many bicycle manufacturers and public transport providers are also involved. The Bavarian police are preparing for the protests based on the experiences of the past IAA. This year, much more radical protests are to be expected. The "Last Generation" was not even in action in 2021; moreover, Corona requirements slowed the influx of visitors at that time.
Source: https://www.welt.de/wirtschaft/article246920154/Eigener-Messestand-Autolobby-laedt-Letzte-Generation-zur-IAA-ein.html?xing_share=news